Blast - 1997

Terrorists attempt to disrupt the Atlanta Olympics by kidnapping the U.S. women's swim team. If their demands are not met, the team will be executed. Only janitor Jack Bryant, a former Olympic gymnast champion of Tae Kwon Do felled by injuries and alcoholism knows of their real plans. And only he, with the guidance of former terrorist-fighter Leo, can stop them.

Avaliacões do Trakio0.0/10
Avaliacões do IMDB4.3/10


Foto de perfil de Linden AshbyLinden AshbyJack Bryant
Foto de perfil de Norbert WeisserNorbert WeisserCommando Rescuer
Foto de perfil de Tim ThomersonTim ThomersonPolice Commissioner
Foto de perfil de Yuji OkumotoYuji OkumotoFBI Agent
Foto de perfil de Vincent KlynVincent KlynIntense Man
Foto de perfil de Thom MathewsThom MathewsBill (uncredited)

Sobre Blast

Sinopse de Blast

Terrorists attempt to disrupt the Atlanta Olympics by kidnapping the U.S. women's swim team. If their demands are not met, the team will be executed. Only janitor Jack Bryant, a former Olympic gymnast champion of Tae Kwon Do felled by injuries and alcoholism knows of their real plans. And only he, with the guidance of former terrorist-fighter Leo, can stop them.

Duração: 105min

Informações extras

Título Original: Blast
Idioma Original: Inglês
Orçamento: $700,000.00
Dirigido Por: Albert Pyun
FilmwerksCruel Stories Inc.